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SCR Route Generator

[!WARNING] This app still works however development has been stopped ans is no longer supported, this app no longer supports the latest version of Stepford County Railway

We are currently making a web app which requires no installation and will be announced here once it is ready. Want to be notified of the release then please vist our google group and sign up. We will only use it to send you updates as we prepare to roll out our web app. Once the web app is finished the group will be closed. JOIN GROUP.

Any problems joining the mailing list above please message @captainorigami01 on discord privately

Download V0.15

Please check our requirements

If you don’t understand JSON files we have made a generator which you will need to use to ensure only routes and trains you own are displayed in your route

By default all routes, trains and operators can be used. If you own everything then you will not need to generate the JSON file

JSON Generator

What is our software?

Our software is designed to be used to generate routes for both passengers and drivers. In passenger mode you are given 2 locations; a start and end location. The catch is that you have to get from the 2 stations as qucikly as possible. We have a timer function in our software. You should start the timer when you get on a train at the start location and should stop it when you disembark the last train at your destination.

If you record a video and provide an unedited video to us via a link by reporting an issue with the tag competiton. We can review it and descide wheter it is podium worthy.

You can also generate a working time table which will use the trains and routes you own. You have to tell the software which routes and trains you own in advance. To edit this remove the routes, trains and operators you don’t own from the ownedRoutesTrains.json file. It generates between 4 - 15 services per timetable. If you are unhappy with your timetable you can generate a new one.

What are the trains and routes currently supported?

All trains and routes in SCR 1.10.12 are included. what do the train codes mean: A train class ending with and A means Airlink. D indicates it is a double unit. I indicates the consist has 1 extra coach. HST’s (class 43’s) have there own codes. 43 on its own is the 4 car HST. 43/5 means 5 car HST and 43 Buffer indicates the HST with buffers.

Routes are generated by the python script and then generates an HTML5 webpage. If you want to customise the look and feel of the page then you can edit the style.css provided.


You will require python 3 to run our program. Please select the correct version for your system and use the installer.

Our software has been designed using Windowss 11 but should work on all windows operating systems. We cannot gaurantee that the software will run correctly on other operating systems. If it does not please alert this to us as a bug in the issues and we will try to fix it if possible.

Our project to do list

Our project has a to do list, each version will be given its own view. View the to do list

Terms / license

The ‘software` is protected by the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3